Aim of this blog: To celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day by providing a list of novels that are cautionary tales about the future, from some of the world's most famous science fiction authors, past and present. In this blog I will specifically cover novels that deal with information-based societies, and the unintended consequences that could result in an increasingly connected world.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Paris in the 20th Century - Technology rules in a world devoid of culture..


Author: Jules Verne
Publisher: Del Rey; New York
Date: 1997
Published over 130 years after it was written, Jules Verne writes about the then futuristic Paris of the 1960s, an advanced society where many technological wonders exist. The novel's protagonist is 16-year-old Michel Dufrénoy, a graduate with a major in literature and the classics, subjects long forgotten in a world where only business and technology are valued. Predicting the rise of the internet, Verne is much less optimistic about the future in this novel, warning here against technological progress replacing all other pursuits. A slow novel that takes time to develop Michel's story, Verne spends a considerable amount of it fleshing out 1960s Paris.

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