Aim of this blog: To celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day by providing a list of novels that are cautionary tales about the future, from some of the world's most famous science fiction authors, past and present. In this blog I will specifically cover novels that deal with information-based societies, and the unintended consequences that could result in an increasingly connected world.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Difference Engine - Information Technology in Victorian England..

Authors: Bruce Sterling and William Gibson
Publisher: Victor Gollancz Ltd; London
Date: 1990
The novel that popularised the Steampunk genre, The Difference Engine explores an alternate history where Charles Babbage creates the first mechanical computer powered by steam in 1855. This ‘Difference Engine’ changes the course of history, and marks the point at which the novel’s events deviate from our own history. Computing becomes a part of all aspects of life in Victorian England, allowing the British Empire to grow even larger than it already had in the 19th century. The difference engine also allows for the authorities to keep a close eye on ordinary citizens, leading to the creation of a police state. The book is told from the third-person perspectives of Sybil Gerard, the daughter of a murdered Luddite; Edward Mallory, an explorer; and Lauren Oliphant an undercover spy.

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