Aim of this blog: To celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day by providing a list of novels that are cautionary tales about the future, from some of the world's most famous science fiction authors, past and present. In this blog I will specifically cover novels that deal with information-based societies, and the unintended consequences that could result in an increasingly connected world.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

1984 - Ignorance is strength. Disinformation for the masses..


Author: George Orwell
Publisher: Secker and Wurburg; London
Date: 1948

Working, eating, drinking, sleeping, talking, thinking, all are watched over by the state. Even the slightest disobedience can be detected by 'Big Brother' through such state instruments as the Thought Police, telescreen, or even your own children, who will report you to the authorities. Language is modified in such ways that you cannot express yourself. Though there is mass-communication, it is one-way. Citizens do not speak to each other. Winston Smith's job is to change history to suit The Party and portray them in a positive light. However when he writes "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER" in his diary, he attracts unwanted attention. Though written in the third person, 1984 is presented from Winston's point of view. Due to this when the twists do come, the reader is as unprepared for them as Winston is himself. Though 1984's pacing is slow, it is deliberate and filled with tension.

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